Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses & Entrepreneurs

Own Your Vision. Own Your Voice. Own your Marketing.

As a business owner, the last thing you have time to do is create marketing strategies…

Kristina with an umbrella in the rain looking at a colorful mural on a building.

You started your business with the dream of having more freedom and control over your life, not to be bogged down by marketing challenges. 

Freedom in your business means you don’t have to spend your days:

  • Constantly checking and posting on social media just to generate more leads

  • Downloading lead magnets or reading endless blog posts to figure out the right way to do email marketing

  • Scouring Youtube and listening to podcasts to figure out the next big marketing strategy you need to implement. 

It’s about having the flexibility to pick up your kids from school, to take that midday exercise class, or simply to set your own hours.

I get it, and that’s why I started Reditus. 

your vision.

your voice. Our expertise. 

The Reditus favicon - two leaves - one white and one teal(ish).
A hand writing notes on a notepad near a laptop and a cup of tea.

You don’t have to do all the marketing things. You just have to do the right things. 

It’s time to ditch the endless list of marketing tasks and the things that aren’t working for your business (or your life).

No more hacking. No more mindless hustle. No more throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what works.

You need strategic support and guidance to create simple, sustainable marketing strategies that work for you and your business. 

Hi, I’m Kristina, marketing strategist and your biggest cheerleader.

I help entrepreneurs and small business owners do business the way they want - free of marketing overwhelm. 

If you’re in the online space, you’re constantly told you need to have a high-coverting funnel, that you need to make tiktoks, regularly create REALLY good, SEO-optimized blog posts, post on all the social media channels, and have a $10k offer. 

This is NOT true. 

At Reditus, we simplify and demystify marketing by helping you co-create marketing plans that grow your business without requiring constant attention.

Let’s build a strategy that creates the business results and the freedom you want…

  • Kristina at a desk, coaching virtually.

    Personalized Strategy Development for Your Unique Business

    Coaching, support, and execution to help you meet your marketing and business goals.

    In this partnership, we’ll co-create a sustainable marketing strategy that you and your team can execute with the support and guidance from me.

    Based on your vision and your business data, your marketing plan will lead you to achieve your goals. With us by your side, you’ll always know what to do next.

  • Kristina and Tanya MFK headshots.

    Group Support: Modern Business Mastery

    Modern Business Mastery is a new way to entrepreneur. You’ll find courses, workshops, and a membership program to help you be successful in your business and in your life.

    Imagine having a trusted group to turn to when you aren’t sure what to do next with your business. In this community, we ditch the hustle and bring the joy.

    Led by Kristina Hellmann and Tanya MFK, Modern Business Mastery is all about mastering yourself so you can master your business.

In Latin, "reditus" means to "turn back" or "return." We believe it's time to turn back to what truly matters: your vision and your voice. You don’t have to do all the marketing things - just the right things. As your partner in growth, we help you focus on what matters most.

We give the marketing power back to YOU.

Computer graphic with an image of a free marketing plan template

Get started with your marketing plan now!

This FREE template will help you create your marketing plan, guide your content creation, and track your sales funnels, campaigns, and revenue.

Ready to talk marketing?

Let me help you figure out what to do next .

Book a free strategy session with me.

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